Provisions for limited quantities (LTD QTY)


Classify the dangerous goods in accordance with the dangerous goods regulations (e.g. flash point, boiling point, etc.).
Pay attention to the quantity limit per inner packaging as given in column 7a of the DG list in chapter 3.2 of the IMDG-Code.
Quantity "0" in column 7a indicates that transport of dangerous goods - packed in limited quantities - is not permitted.


Use appropriate packing material, and check the compatibility between the dangerous substance and its packaging. Dangerous goods transported as LTD QTY have to be packed in inner packagings placed in suitable outer packagings.
Packagings with UN-coding are optional. Intermediate packagings may be used.
Please note that the total gross weight per package shall not exceed 30 kg.


Packages containing DG in limited quantities need not be labeled with DG-labels nor marked with the marine pollutant mark, PSN or UN Number of the contents!
Simply label each package - readily visible and stable - with the standard marking for limited quantities with minimum dimensions of 10cm x 10cm. These marking requirements are also valid for overpacks and unit loads.
Cargo transport units containing DG in only limited quantities also have to be suitably marked on the exterior with this special mark with minimum dimensions of 25 cm x 25 cm.


A DG transport document that contains all of the information required by the provisions of the IMDG-Code is also necessary for limited quantities.
You have to add the words "limited quantity" or "LTD QTY" in the IMO delcaration for dangerous goods that are packed in limited quantities.

Transport, stowage and segregation

Transport to or from harbors for marine transport may take place in vehicles that correspond to the IMDG, where the marking of the shipping unit is visible at the front and rear.
The segregation provisions of chapter 7.2 IMDG are not applicable for packagings containing DG in limited quantities or limited quantities together with other DG.
Limited quantities are always allocated stowage category A.