1. Introduction
2. Classification
3. Packing Chemicals
1. Title page
2. Introduction
3. Definitions
4. General Provisions for Packing
5. Additional provisions for the Use of IBCs
6. General Provisions concerning Packing Instructions
7. Packing Instructions - Packagings
8. Packing Instructions - IBCs
9. Code for Type of Packaging
10. Construction and Testing of Packagings
11. UN Marking of Packagings
12. Exercise: UN Marking of Packagings
4. Marking and Labelling
1. Title page
2. Introduction
3. Definitions
4. Marking Provisions for Packages
5. Marking & Labelling Specifications
6. Specification of the Marine Pollutant Mark
7. Package Orientation Arrows
8. Provisions for Labels
9. Provisions for Large Placards
10. How many Placards?
11. Marking of Cargo Transport Units (CTUs)
12. Additional Markings for CTUs
13. Example: Marking & Labelling of Packages
14. Example: Marking & Labelling of Drums
15. Example: Marking & Labelling IBCs
16. Example: Marking & Labelling Flexible IBC's
17. Example: Marking & Labelling Unit Loads and Overpacks
18. Example: Marking & Labelling Portable Tanks
19. Example: Marking & Labelling Freight Containers
20. Example: Marking & Labelling Freight Containers II
21. Exercise
5. Documentation
6. Packing of Cargo Units
1. Title page
2. Introduction
3. Conditions during a Sea Voyage
4. Prepacking Requirements - Inspections
5. Prepacking Requirements - Information/Application
6. Stowage Requirements
7. Example Segregation
8. Packing and Securing Principles - General
9. Packing and Securing Principles - Drums
10. Bracing and Securing Cargo
11. Exercise
7. Limited quantites and exemptions
8. Test + Certification
9. Downloads + links
10. Imprint
Marking Provisions for Packages
- Packages and IBCs
shall be marked with Proper Shipping Name (PSN) and corresponding UN Number and - if aplicable - durably marked with the Marine pollutant mark - IBCs > 450 L capacity and large packagings
shall be marked on two opposing sides - Empty, uncleaned packagings
shall be marked as required when full - Salvage packagings
shall additionally be marked with the word "SALVAGE" - Goods of class 7
are subject to special marking requirements (cf. IMDG Code