Exercise: Assigning duties
The consignor
The packer
The loader
The filler
The carrier
The consignee
The unloader
...shall ascertain that the dangerous goods are classified in accordance with ADR.
...shall furnish the carrier with the required transport documents.
...shall comply the requirements concerning mixed packing conditions.
...shall comply the requirements concerning marking and labelling oft he packages.
...shall hand the dangerous goods over to the carrier only if they are authorized for carriage in accordance with ADR.
...shall, when handing over for carriage packed dangerous goods or uncleaned empty packagings, check whether the packaging is damaged.
...shall ascertain prior to the filling of tankst hat both they and their equipment are technically in a satisfactory condition.
...shall ascertain that the date of the next test for tank-vehicles, battery-vehicles, demountable tanks, portable tanks, tank-containers and MEGCs has not expired.
...shall ascertain that the dangerous goods to be carried are authorized for carriage in accordance with ADR.
...shall ascertain that all information prescribed in ADR related to the dangerous goods to be carried has been provided by the consignor before carriage.
...hast he obligation not to defer acceptance of the goods without compelling reasons and to verify, after unloading, that the requirements of ADR concerning him have been complied with.
If the consignee makes use of the services of other participants (unloader, cleaner, decontamination facility, etc.) he shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the requirements of ADR have been complied with.
...shall ascertain that the correct goods are unloaded by comparing the relevant information on the transport document with the information on the package, container, tank or vehicle.
...shall before and during unloading, check whether the packagings, the tank, the vehicle or container have been damaged to an extent which would endanger the unloading operation.
Your mission in this exercise
Your mission in this exercise is to assign the different responsibilities described to the corresponding person/role by using the drag & drop function.This is an exercise. No data are being saved.
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We recommend, that you repeat the contents of this chapter and take the exercise again.
We recommend, that you repeat the contents of this chapter and take the exercise again.