Transport of Dangerous Goods by Sea (IMDG-Code Amdt. 38-16)

2. Classification (3/9)

How to classify?

Dangerous Goods are classified in accordance with the criteria of Dangerous Goods regulations. The following three criteria are the most important:
  1. Class of Dangerous Goods:
    Substances are assigned to Dangerous Goods classes according to their physical and chemical properties (e.g. flammable).
  2. UN Number:
    Assignment of a UN Number and a Proper Shipping Name for this particular substance.
  3. Packing Group:
    On the basis of the UN Number, the Packing Group can be found in the Dangerous Goods List.
For more information on how to classify Dangerous Goods please refer to IMDG Code, chapters 2.0 to 2.10.
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