Office Ergonomics for Stationary Computer Users

1. Office Ergonomics (4/17)

Why Is this Topic so Important?


Did you face any discomfort while working at the monitor, e.g. about neck pain, headache or pain in shoulders, arms and hands? If not you are lucky, but you sure know someone complaining about this, right?

  • According to WHO, Musculo-skeletal disorders (MSD) are the second most common cause for short-term absence, and the main cause (up to 50%) of all long-term absences.
  • MSD are not only due to physical work, but also related to working at computer work stations.
  • It is claimed that about 30% of computer work stations are inadequately designed. The most common problems are:
    • Screen at wrong height 78%
    • Glare 66%
    • Fixed desk height 34%
    • Fixed/wrong chair height 33%
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